Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009


موزیک به زبان انگلیسی همیشه یکی از سرگرمیهای من بوده است، هر چند كه اغلب اوقات هیچی نمی فهمم! تقریبا همه چیز گوش میدم. ولی موزیک یک نفررا باعلاقه عجیبی در طول این سالها پیگیری کردم
Mark Knopfler
.زبانی كه او در رویه گیتار صحبت میکند برایم بی نظیراست

Ein großartiger Musiker !!

Mark Freuder Knopfler, born August 12, 1949, Glasgow, Scotland, is a British guitarist, singer, and songwriter.
He is best-known as the lead guitarist and vocalist for the band Dire Straits, but has also made albums as a solo performer and played in other bands. He has also performed on the work of other artists. He has produced albums for artists. In addition, he has scored the music to several films.

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